Real Republishing

When a colleague introduced me to Smashwords – she republished her husband’s excellent book book that originally came out in 1990 – I couldn’t resist doing the same with one  of mine that came out in 2006 – though a manual dates almost immediately, unlike the well written history of a Toronto landmark. My bookContinue reading “Real Republishing”

Being Net Smart Matters

After reading Howard Rheingold’s Net Smart and how it recommends smart thinking, I created this slide show.  You can access it on Slideshare too and copy it if you wish.  Howard’s latest book has a wealth of good advice including some caution.  And you can find out more about the HBDI ® in the menu above.Continue reading “Being Net Smart Matters”

Thinking about Thinking – for working parents

I spend one-half day a week in a kindergarten classroom – and watch the parents deliver the small people to the door before hurrying off to work. I’m not following that harrowing routine anymore but I have been there.  Working lives are so much more complicated now that we are overwhelmed by information from allContinue reading “Thinking about Thinking – for working parents”