Disruption and Governance

Former Clerk of the Privy Council of the Government of Canada has written an interesting article published today in The Globe and Mail on the effect that the speed of technological change has on governance.  He focuses on government, but the changes and his recommendations have application to other enterprises of all sizes as well.Continue reading “Disruption and Governance”

Spoiler Alert

Just in case anyvody notices – re software.  My son Michael Bolton  – yes he is Michael Bolton but not that Michael Bolton – teaches software testing.  One of the clients giving a positive testamonial is from Microsoft.  Maybe it will all be better soon.  You can explore the world of software testing here.

Software for Health – or Not!

News today from the the Consumer Electronics Show was all about Healthy Apps.  A more personal news stream told me about a friend’s crash of Windows 10.  I could sympathize because I had the same problem with the new version of MS Office The automatic download of the latest upgrade meant that none of myContinue reading “Software for Health – or Not!”

What Works – and What Doesn’t

I sat in a meeting yesterday and heard an interesting presentation from a person who is trying to build a new church community in a suburb – without a building, and the hope that a gathered community would have enough strength to move toward one some time in the future.  His target audience is familiesContinue reading “What Works – and What Doesn’t”

Technology as a Tool

Earlier today I complained about the Apple ad that thinks the point of technology is product (theirs of course) instead of about people.  I like the products – but not for their own sake but for their utility.  But this short video redeems the Ipad when you see what little people can do with it.Continue reading “Technology as a Tool”