Summer Reading

This isn’t an exhaustive list – l read whodunits and lighthearted novels in the summer in addition to the endless newspapers and magazines – but some time ago I decided that hard cover and paperback books still count. Those pictured above are important and life changing. With the Harari trio I started in the middleContinue reading “Summer Reading”


When you are a reporter for the New York Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, the BBC and The Huffington Post and find yourself excluded from a White House Press conference this past Friday, you need help with bullying when it happens again.  So I looked online to find some advice:  ActContinue reading “RULES FOR REPORTERS”

The polical pitch

Canada  has a national election coming up.  At least one blogger has tried to explain the process to our American friends so I don’t have to do that.  We haven’t had an election for some time and we don’t have the same kind of advance campaigning ever before so I want to be informed beforeContinue reading “The polical pitch”